free recall造句
- The robust serial position effects were founded in the free recall experiment and in the continuous distractor paradigm with chinese character . but in the 30s distractor experiment paradigm , the primacy effect still exited , the recency effect disappeared . and the contextual - retrieval hypothesis failed to explain this phenomenon . according to the contextual cue and memory trace , it is applied successfully that the associative memory and absolute memory to the primacy effect and the recency effect respectively
以汉字为材料,在即时回忆实验中表现出明显的系列位置效应;在30s延迟实验中,表现出明显的首因效应,但近因效应消失在连续分心实验范式中证明长时记忆中存在明显的系列位置效应。说明现有理论存在的问题,并提出联想记忆和绝对记忆的概念,成功地解释首因效应和近因效应性质之差异。 - It's difficult to see free recall in a sentence. 用free recall造句挺难的
如何用free recall造句,用free recall造句,free recall in a sentence, 用free recall造句和free recall的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。